domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

teaching skills of English teacher

in this essay i will try to explain tha main skills that a teacher needs to be a good teacher.
one of the most important part in this process is that the teacher has to organize and guide the way that the students try to learn and he has to develop the 4 habilities (read, write, listen, speak) obviously the teaher has to have a good level of english because he will be guide and he just have to drive the way that the students have to learn.
the teacher has to design didactics acording the kind of group and he has to make plans acording the capacity of the group and the objective has to be clear and it has to be based on the programm.
the teacher has to know many diferents kindsteaching for each skills that he want to improve, he has to apply all the knowledge that he has, using a comunicative focus and based on the programm.
the teacher has to use a comunicative focus proposes the oral work as a means for students to develop communication skills and acquire the lenguaje, through practice in groups the student recived languaje.
in conclusion; we like teacher must be preparated in many ways, we had to improve our english, we have to analize the way that the students learn and discover new techique to teach and knew very well the program and know the focus that we need, to teach a foreign languaje.

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