viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

esta es la libreta de una alumna con algunas preguntas que escribi en el pizarron y que posteriormente copiaron en la libreta.
esta es la escuela Federal 9 Mexico 68, en la que hice mi primera y segunda practica docente

estas son algunas preguntas que les formule para que depsues las escribieron en su libreta y despues de eso las repitieramos juntos.

aqui les estoy explicando otros ejemplos de como dar informacion personal, algunos seguian copiando y a los otros les pedi que empezaran a repetir despues de mi cada una de las oraciones que estaban escritas en el pizarron.

en esta imagen aparezco escribiendo algunos ejemplos sobre los gustos de las personas, esto para que aprendieran a dar informacion personal, estos ejemplos despues los tenian que copiar a su libreta.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


The evaluation is necessary to make to know more information about the level of this group,
Evaluation serves the teacher to know that both students have learned and how it is performing and thus able to change the method of teaching or leave it like that.
the evaluation serves the student to know how was your performance in class and that level has been reached within them.


the teacher must have a high level language to teaching students, but also having a good method to teach oral and written.

the student must have a level where it can perform sociale and this has to go day by day to receive help from the teacher.

program goal is to have competent students who can solve problems of a changing world

they have to practice the lenguaje foreigner each other, to get a better level of english, inside and outside of the classroom.

rol del maestro

the master plan should consegue teaching and interaction within the group by involving students and interact with materials.

the student know deselvolver your skills within the classroom and participatory likewise is back for better learning

the teacher has to control the lenguaje foreigner to improve the four skills in the classroom


los principales cambios en la educacion.

Major changes in education students have been to take place the social practice of language that have a good teacher language for handling power imparted.
The four skills key to life, with which they can develop yourself satisfactorily
that students learn through experience and thus acquire the metacognitive skills and to develop competent individuals, with initiative to act in a changing world.

Background to the programme-Theorical fundations*the object of study*tthe notion of learning-Púrposes*general purpose of language teaching in basic education*Purpose of teaching english in secundary education-Methodology: an approach for teaching of english in secundary education-Rol of tachers and learners-Methodology framework*habitual and engoing activitiesRol of the materialsEvaluationEvaluation of learningEvaluation of teachingOrganization of contentThemaic units1. PRIMER GRADO OBSERVACION- Se observa un grupo duerante toda la semana.PRACTICA- Se practica en un grupo, en una sesion de clase que se destina a la actividad 1 hora.2. PRIMER GRADOOBSERVACION- Se observa en grupos, uno es el mismo, se permanece turno completo en el grado donde se práctica.PRACTICA- Se práctica en dos grupos 1° y 2° grado se aplican secuancias de clase. Timepo que se destina a la actividad: 5,6 horas.

This information is very useful in our life, we need to know more about this to try to make our job better than before, we can now understand the main changes in the education.